Typical Italian products, the regional excellencies

On a website like this we must talk about typical products of the italian region Lombardy, as the aim of this website is to spread knowledge about the products of this region, while especially highlighting its food companies and the area they work in. It is important to stress that the interest in this products has been rising dramatically over the course of time and now they represent an important segment of food based economy and food-and- wine related tourism. The rising interest towards typical products intertwines with some trends of our time: culturally speaking, it satisfies two opposite needs: that of protection (guarantee of the specificity and distinctive characteristics of the food culture) and that of exploration (it is an important term in order to discover other cultures). The importance of Lombardy in the food-and- wine field is well-known and easily linked to Lombardy’s geographical structure. Lombardy is one of the biggest regions of Italy, it is rich in streams and water courses and its territory is equally divided into flat areas and mountains, while 12,28% of the territory is hilly. It is thanks to these characteristics and to the big areas used as pastures and farming fields that this region has developed a strong farming tradition. The typical products from Lombardy range from animal products, like cured meats and cheese, to cereals like rice and corn. Some of the most famous Italian cheese sorts stem from Lombardy, but also rarer and more refined sorts like Bettelmatt and Bitto.

Typical products map

The amount of typical products of this extraordinary region is astonishing, but even more so is the number of products that are protected by the Lombardy food farming production and therefore can boast the recognition of the DOP (Designation of Protected Origin) and IGP (Protected Geographical Indication) labels.

The Designation of Protected Origin (DOP) defines a product that comes from a certain region or country, whose characteristics are essentially or exclusively due to its geographical origin (in the sense of a combination between natural and human factors).

The Protected Geographical Indication (IGP) defines a product that comes from a certain region or country, whose characteristics can be linked to its geographical origin. At least one of the production phases has to happen in the selected area.

Lombardy boasts 23 certified typical products, 20 of which have a DOP label and the remaining 13 have an IGP label, whose quality is recognized both in Italy and internationally. The White Asparagus of Cantello has been recently recognized as IGP product after a years-long process.

The typical products from Lombardy belong to different food categories, as we can see in detail in this list of DOP and IGP products, divider by categories:

Typical DOP and IGP products in Lombardy


  • Miele Varesino di Acacia DOP


  • Bresaola della Valtellina IGP
  • Coppa di Parma IGP
  • Cotechino di Modena IGP
  • Mortadella di Bologna IGP
  • Salame Brianza DOP
  • Salame di Cremona IGP
  • Salame di Varzi DOP
  • Salame d’Oca di Mortara IGP
  • Salamini Italiani alla Cacciatora DOP
  • Zampone di Modena IGP


  • Salmerino del Trentino IGP
  • Trote del Trentino IGP


  • Bitto DOP
  • Formai de Mut dell’Alta Valle Brembana DOP
  • Formaggella del Luinese DOP
  • Gorgonzola DOP
  • Grana Padano DOP
  • Nostrano Valtrompia DOP
  • Parmigiano Reggiano DOP
  • Provolone Valpadana DOP
  • Quartirolo Lombardo DOP
  • Selva Cremasco DOP
  • Silter DOP
  • Strachitunt DOP
  • Taleggio DOP
  • Valtellina Casera DOP


  • Olio Extravergine di Oliva Garda DOP
  • Olio Extravergine di Oliva Laghi Lombardi DOP


  • Asparago di Cantello IGP
  • Mela della Valtellina IGP
  • Melone Mantovano IGP
  • Pera Mantovana IGP