IL GIORNO – Evaluations, opportunities and perspectives in Lombardy after the Expo

The series of meetings organized by “Il Giorno” ends today, with the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the well-known Italian newspaper. These meetings focused on the discussion about innovation, business, startups and the food and tourism fields, bringing out the “let’s do it” spirit that is shared all around Lombardy. We of Lombardiafood are pleased to know that our ideas are not only vastly shared, but are also backed up by data and concrete experiences, like those of smaller businesses that create on- and offline networks and focus on innovation and high-quality standards. In this way, smaller businesses can manage their own market share, despite the fact that holding companies and big multinational corporations rule the global market.
During the construction works of the Expo we concluded that the made-in-Italy label is still the third most appreciated brand in the world, as we learn from the experiences of Diego Rossetti from Fratelli Rossetti (historical footwear company from Parabiago) and Claudio Romagnoli from Lector Audio. The brand, but more in general a correct and sharp way of communicating, can make a difference and that is why we created an online platform that allows small high-quality businesses to start exploring the global markets with very little investment, working to insert their niche in the global market.
Mr. Francesco Wu, president of the Unione Imprenditori Italia Cina, stresses how important it is for a business to adapt to the rules, needs, customs and traditions of the country that they want to work with. Surely knowing the other language in order to communicate in a correct way is a good place to start. The matter of linguistic communication is a key point in Lombardiafood too, it is no coincidence that we planned the publication of products and contents in other languages like Chinese, Russian or Arabic on our online platform, currently available in Italian or English. This will allow smaller producers to increase their international visibility in the right way.
A georeferenced mapping of the activities on the Lombardiafood platform will help customers discover that excellency, organic food and slow food are right behind their corner and they couldn’t ask for more than being able to purchase products in a really short supply chain, that comes directly from the producer himself, as a warranty for the authenticity of a product. These changes in consuming trends are clearly orientated towards organic, green and whole food, and as Michele Colombo from Coop Lombardia says, this changes are easily to be seen in supermarkets and stores that sell these kinds of products.

Alessandro Falcetti from Lombardiafood with Giuseppe Bonomi from arExpo and the director of “Il Giorno” Giuliano Molossi

Clear signs of a recovery in the development process are confirmed by Giuseppe Bononi (manager of arExpo), who stresses the both corporate and institutional will to create a research HUB right on the ground that hosted the 2015 world exposition and by Paolo Testi from BPM that tells us how a lot of businessmen took the challenge, some innovating, others reinventing and branching out their activities.

We want to thank Paolo Ferrè, president of Confcommercio Legnano and Piersergio Trapani, vicepresident of Assintel Confindustria for their speeches and participation. The works have been inaugurated by the director of “Il Giorno” Giuliano Molossi, and moderated by its vicedirector Sandro Neri. We thank them for their kind invitations and all the renowned guests in this room.

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